Episode 39 (15 December 2021)
The Stigma of Death and Dying
Dan's wife Brittany Maynard sought adventure up until the very end. When it became clear that the brain tumor she'd been diagnosed with would ultimately take her life, Brittany chose to end things on her own terms.
Medical aid-in-dying, commonly known in the U.S. as "death with dignity," enables someone with a terminal illness to request a prescription for medication that will end their suffering. In the final episode of season 4, we explore end of life choices, and the social and legal systems that either allow or prevent individuals from determining how they die.
Featuring Dan Diaz, an advocate for the legalization of medical aid in dying, Kim Callinan, CEO of the organization Compassion and Choices, and Dr. Rob Jonquiere, Executive Director of the World Federation of Right to Die Societies, in conversation with Host, Hazami Barmada.
Dan Diaz Advocate for the legalization of medical aid in dying
Dr. Rob Jonquiere Executive Director, World Federation of Right to Die Societies
Kim Callinan CEO, Compassion and Choices
Hazami Barmada Host & Founder, Humanity Lab Foundation
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